How To Earn From Amazon Affiliate - Revealing The Top Secrets Part 1

  • Introduction 
  • Chapter 1: What's all about?  
  • Chapter 2: How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate?  
  • Chapter 3: Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choice  
  • Chapter 4: Picking a Hot Amazon Niche   
  • Chapter 5: Selecting some Hot Products to Promote   

About This Ebook

“Amazon Affiliate Profits” is an exceptional Ebook that is present for you online. Learn the tricks for making MONEY online effortlessly. The MONEY that you will earn will give you the financial freedom. You don’t need a degree or any previous experience like in other jobs. A different way of earning DOLLAR. This Ebook will help you to learn affiliate advertising strategies to accomplish success and make passive INCOME. This book is 100% FREE  TO DOWNLOAD. Put a little time and effort, you can’t miss the chance to build your empire!!!


Here's What You'll Learn Inside!

What's all about? 7 Important Elements to consider that you didn’t know about Amazon before.

How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate? What is an amazon affiliate? How do you become an amazon affiliate? How do you make money with amazon as an affiliate?

Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choice? The Top 4 reasons why amazon affiliate marketing is the best choice for you!

Picking a Hot Amazon Niche. 3 Proven strategies for finding out the type of niche products that are going to make you the most money as an affiliate!

Selecting some Hot Products to Promote. Here we are going to show you, step by step, the strategy behind selecting the hottest products in your niche!

Creating an Amazon Affiliate Website. Here we will start tinkering with the technical aspects of getting your amazon affiliate business up and running, with just a few clicks.

Creating Product Oriented Content. 4 easy to apply strategies for creating awesome product oriented content for your affiliate sites.

Creating Your Amazon Associates Account. Step By Step walkthrough for creating Your Amazon Associates Account, without failing in the process.

Linking your Amazon Affiliate Links. How to funnel people from your content all the way through the amazon marketplace.

Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 1. The most successful methods to promote your amazon affiliate websites.

Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 2.  online tools that can help you to promote your amazon affiliate website without having to worry about going over budget!

Building an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right Way. elements that have allowed many people to leave their day jobs by building successful amazon affiliate businesses! Amazon Native Shopping Ads. Amazon Native Shopping Ads Step By Step Crash Course.

Embedding an Amazon a Store into Facebook. Step By Step guide for Embedding an Amazon a Store into Facebook without spending hours doing so.

Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Consider.  additional strategies that will allow you to go above and beyond your current amazon affiliate efforts! 

And much, MUCH more!

To Your Success !

Deepika Fernandes

Chapter 1: What's all about?

Let’s get started by saying that we are pretty sure that each one of you watching knows what is, but in the unlikely event that we have someone among you who doesn’t, we can easily tell what it is in a few words: is the single largest ecommerce retailer in the world. That’s right! is the leading platform in the electronic retailer industry, and millions of people around the globe enjoy its unparalleled quality of service and reach on a daily basis, but is that all there is to know about Well, while the truth is that has built its reputation around being the most popular super store that you can find on the internet, it is also true that it is much, much more, and you might find yourself surprised about the things that it has achieved, so let’s find out!

Transformations is all about providing the best that it can, be it delivering great service or products, but it is also about empowering people from all walks of life by allowing them to use its unique platform in order to fuel their passion, earn a well-deserved living and transform their lives!


Transforming people’s lives is not possible if they are not given opportunities to do so, and  that is why amazon has made its platform available for people that want to unleash their ideas and create something that others can find in the amazon marketplace. Here your imagination is the limit!

Economic impact

People all around the world are using amazon to grow their businesses, which has had a  positive economic impact not only for the people using the platform to fulfill their dreams, but also on their communities and on the people that they reach through their enterprising efforts!

In The Community

Amazon wouldn’t be as big as it is now if it weren’t because of its people, and so the company is putting an enormous effort into giving back to the communities that have  helped it thrive, with special consideration to those communities where its employees and customers live!


Amazon doesn’t only want to be the best online store there is, it also wants to make ecommerce and technology better overall, for everyone, including its competition! That is why it has introduced innovations such as drone delivery, one click ordering and amazon fresh.

Working at Amazon

Amazon is a workplace that is geared towards pushing for excellence and focused execution. Everyone from builders, inventors and innovators are invited to experiment and to perform at their best in order to delight customers and to deliver the kind of services that amazon is known for!


Amazon is one hand all about making a good profit, but using a good sum of those profits on making this a better world is its real return on investment. That said, amazon is putting forth great efforts to achieve 100% renewable energy usage for its business!

Chapter 2: How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate? 

There is no doubt that is a money making monster, not only for its founder but for everyone involved. Did you know that basically everyone with a computer and an internet connection can make money with amazon? Well, yes! has a wide variety of options when it comes to using its platform as a money printing machine: you can become an amazon seller, you can offer your services, you can sell your own apps and self-publish your books or music. But there is a more novel approach to money making offered by amazon to make what is known as a passive income for yourself, and that is by becoming an amazon affiliate, which will allow you to make money off selling stuff on amazon without having to stock products of your own!

What is an amazon affiliate? 

To understand what an amazon affiliate  is, you need to learn what affiliate marketing is first, and affiliate marketing is nothing but promoting products sold by others in order to drive a sale and earn money by commission. In this case you will be earning money of products being sold on the amazon marketplace.

How do you become an amazon affiliate? 

Becoming an amazon affiliate is as simple as going to the amazon homepage and logging in to your amazon account, then scrolling all the way down to the “make money with us” section and clicking on “become an affiliate”.

How do you make money with amazon as an affiliate? 

To make money with amazon as an affiliate you will simply have to promote products from the amazon marketplace, and with over a million products available it should not be hard to find a good product and a ready to buy audience for it. 

And there a lots and lots of product categories that you can promote, from video games to televisions, from pc components to toys and jewelry. What’s more, you will be able to promote stuff from broader categories such as amazon gift cards, digital music and amazon devices, with commissions ranging from as low as 4% to as high as 10% depending on the category!

Now, how do you promote these items to make money? The answer to that is that you have multiple channels to promote your offers from, the most popular being affiliate websites, but you can easily use social media pages as well.

You can link to any amazon product by simply grabbing the item URL from amazon itself whether from your website or by way of Facebook or twitter updates, to give you an example. You can also use customized product links to show product information on your affiliate sites, as well as stylish graphical banners.

Another stylish and practical way to monetize your amazon oriented content are the “aStores”, which are simple yet elegant product feature websites to earn affiliate commissions the easiest way. You will only need to offer value to your referrals by creating product oriented content to guide people into making informed purchasing decisions! 

Chapter 3: Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choice 

So far you have been able to see how it is that can be a goldmine for anyone interested in putting in the effort to help amazon push sales of products in its own marketplace, but you are also aware that amazon did not invent this business practice. In fact, affiliate marketing is one of  the most popular ways to monetize web content and there are people out there killing it with what are commonly known as “CPA” or “cost per action” networks, and you might be tempted  to try that out too.

But the truth is that, as good as CPA networks are, they come with their own disadvantages, one of them being how difficult it is to get started on any CPA network. Another disadvantage of promoting CPA offers from these networks is that they sometimes can look spammy.

As an amazon affiliate though you will have the backing of the most recognizable brand in the online retail space, and people won’t think twice on clicking any link that leads to an amazon product page because everybody loves and trusts amazon to an insane degree! So let’s take a quick look at reasons why amazon affiliate marketing is the best choice for you! 

Amazon is a trusted brand 

We already mentioned that amazon is a loved and trusted brand, but how far does this go? Well, is the number one ecommerce retailer, visited by over 250 million people in any given month. Ask anyone where they last bought something online and they will tell you that they did it on amazon!

High Commissions that add up

With a base rate of 4%, you might think that making money on amazon would take you a lot of time, but keep in mind that these rates add up with each sale, and that rates can go up to 10% depending on the product category. 

You earn by each sale, not by product

Basically, every affiliate network out there will pay you only when you make a sale for a specific product or service, but amazon makes you money for every purchase made by anyone that lands on amazon through any of your affiliate links. So, it doesn’t matter if you are promoting treadmills and somebody instead buys a TV through your amazon affiliate link, you make money off each sale! This means that if someone ends up making a $5,000 purchase through a link leading to a $10 product, you still make a commission off that $5,000 sale! 

It is easy to set up 

Becoming an amazon affiliate will only take you about 5 to 10 minutes of your time. You will simply need to login to your amazon account, then sign up to the amazon associates program and you are good to go!  The days of waiting a week to be accepted into an affiliate network are over! Besides, it is really, really easy to integrate the affiliate links to your affiliate sites! 

Chapter 4: Picking a Hot Amazon Niche 

So is your body ready already? Of course it is! It is easy to get drawn in by the possibilities offered by becoming an amazon affiliate, especially because it allows you the luxury of running a business with the economic benefits of ecommerce without the logistical headaches! But now you might be wondering “how do I get started?” Well, as with everything good and profitable in life, you need to start in incremental steps, and you have to start by thinking about what you are going to promote in order to make some good money as an amazon affiliate. What? Did you think that this would be as easy as just putting a lot of amazon product links on a website and then calling it a day? Well good luck with that! Because the first step into becoming a successful affiliate is finding out the type of niche products that are going to make you the most money as an affiliate!

Start by Checking The Advertising Fee rates

We recommend you take a look at the advertising fee rates associated with each product category before picking a niche to promote, because these fee rates combined with the price of your final sales will determine the final commissions that you earn through your amazon affiliate sales. To find these advertising fees simply go to the amazon associates homepage at “affiliate” and click on “advertising fees”. Scroll down to the Fixed Standard Program Fee Rates for Specific Product Categories”, where you will find the current fee rates for specific product categories. As you can see, fees vary from category to category, and some are higher than others. This will be important in one of our nxt steps

Find Popular And Best Selling Categories

A good starting point is to simply select to promote niche products that belong in very popular categories. A good way to find popular categories and best seller products is by going to “”, where you will find up to date and real time information about which products and niches are the most popular among amazon customers.

You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that the most popular niche products are consumer goods and every day products from categories such as clothing, electronics, pet care, baby care, personal care, appliances, automotive, fitness, sports, and home improvement, and you can find these popular categories listed on the left side of the page.

An easy way to figure out when products in a niche are selling like hot cakes is when their categories are featured on amazon’s best sellers section, such as in the case of the “electronics” category here, which we are going to check.

Look For High-Priced Products to Promote

Once you find a cool, popular category, make sure that there are actually products that can make you a fat and steady profit in there. You see, there are two approaches to earning by commission as an affiliate: you either earn by selling tons of low priced products or you earn big by selling high priced products. 

Take for example that you decide to promote cheap Bluetooth headphones just because they sell fast, but have in mind that a low priced product won’t make you much relative to the product’s fee rate, and  that most of these items are bought directly from the marketplace. The best approach then is to find a niche with high priced items. In our case, we are going to select “home theater systems” as our niche because home theater systems are some of the most expensive items found in the “electronics” category.

Another benefit of picking high priced niche products to promote is that people spending high amounts of money on a single product like to make informed purchases, and they tend to search for information on multiple sites before deciding over a product, which will direct organic search engine traffic to your affiliate site.

Another benefit is that high price items are bought by a portion of the population with good spending power, which means that people buying one of your expensive products are also likely to buy something else through your affiliate link, making you a larger commission!

Chapter 5: Selecting some Hot Products to Promote 

So by now you surely are all pumped up about becoming an amazon affiliate, and with a good reason! You have seen how easy it can be to find good niches to promote when you know how to do it right. And we wouldn’t be surprised to know that you already found the ones to promote on your amazon affiliate site following the steps that we taught you in our past chapter, but we are not done with that just yet! You see, once people find a good niche to promote, they tend to think that it will be enough to just review lots of products on their niche of choice, put the links in and call it a day, but you will hardly make good  money by doing so. This is why in this chapter we are going to show, step by step, the strategy behind selecting the hottest products in your niche!

Best Seller Lists Are the key

The amazon list of best sellers is a great source of information about what you should promote as an amazon affiliate, especially because these best sellers lists will tell you which products are top sellers in the marketplace. Another benefit of looking at these best sellers lists is that you will be getting up to date information about hot selling products, so you can be aware of which products are trending so you can leverage their traffic. 

How can you select hot products to promote from the Best Sellers Lists?

In our previous chapter we showed you how to easily find a best sellers section for all product categories by going to the “” URL. From there, you can easily find which of the hottest products are both in your niche and in your niche’s category.

The way the amazon best sellers page is designed will make it easier to find the hottest products in your niche’s category first. Start by going to the link leading to your niche’s category on the left. In our case, we click on “electronics”.

Here you will be able to find every best seller product on every other niche from your niche’s category.  You will be able to locate your niche on the subcategory menu on the left, in our case “home audio and theater”.

Note how you will find every best selling product from this subcategory. But because you need to find the products in your niche, you will have to look on the left side menu. In our case, we click on “home theater systems”. Now let’s click on “complete home theater systems” because those are the high priced products that we are going to promote on our affiliate site. Remember that these will vary depending on the products that you select.

Finding The Top Performers In Your Niche

Once you find the best selling products in your niche you will be able to sort them out and select the hottest ones from the “hot new releases” “most wished for”, and “gift ideas” lists found in the best sellers section of your high priced niche product.

The “hot new releases” lists can give you ideas about new products that can be marketed to people that are always on the lookout for the newest products and gadgets. These lists are especially good if you are promoting electronics, video games and smart devices.

The “most wished for” lists can give you a very good idea about purchasing intent, because these items are always added to wish lists by people that are going to buy these items on a later date, making these products worthwhile for promotion. And the “gift ideas” lists will give you a good idea of what items most people consider to be nice gifts because these are the items that amazon users are gifting to others, which you can casually mention on your product promotions. This is the easiest way to find the hottest and most profitable products to promote as an affiliate on the amazon marketplace!