How Do You Make Money With Amazon As An Affiliate?



Chapter 12: Building an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right Way
Chapter 13: Amazon Native Shopping Ads
Chapter 14: Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook 
Chapter 15: Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Consider 


Anyone Who Has Tried to Generate Huge Profits from Amazon Has Run into One Problem After Another.

It’s no secret. Trying to Profit from Amazon is extremely difficult, if you don’t know what you are doing.

It’s really no wonder that most people who try to at least make a Profit from Amazon just give up.

But the truth is...

Finally, Being Able to Create a Conversion Proven Amazon Affiliate Site, Ready to Generate some
Awesome Commissions, On Complete Autopilot, is much closer than you think!

If you want to know how I was able to Generate some Awesome Commissions From Amazon!... well… this is it.

And trust me, this solution is likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesn’t work. But because you’ll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldn’t believe it myself!)

Here's What You'll Learn Inside!

What's all about? 7 Important Elements to consider that you didn’t know about Amazon before.

How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate? What is an amazon affiliate? How do you become an amazon affiliate? How do you make money with amazon as an affiliate?

Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choice? The Top 4 reasons why amazon affiliate marketing is the best choice for you!

Picking a Hot Amazon Niche. 3 Proven strategies for finding out the type of niche products that are going to make you the most money as an affiliate!

Selecting some Hot Products to Promote. Here we are going to show you, step by step, the strategy behind selecting the hottest products in your niche!

Creating an Amazon Affiliate Website. Here we will start tinkering with the technical aspects of getting your amazon affiliate business up and running, with just a few clicks. 

Building an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right Way. 6 elements that have allowed many people to leave their day jobs by building successful amazon affiliate businesses!
Amazon Native Shopping Ads. Amazon Native Shopping Ads Step By Step Crash Course.

Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook. Step By Step guide for Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook without spending hours doing so.

Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Consider. 5 additional strategies that will allow you to go above and beyond your current amazon affiliate efforts!

And much, MUCH more!
To Your Success,


Chapter 12: Building an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right Way

An Amazon affiliate business has to sound like the best idea in the world to anyone serious about making a living from online sources, and we dare to say that perhaps it sounds too good to be true in most cases. 

You will find lots of people that have become successful amazon affiliates and are making five and six figures salaries from their affiliate websites alone, and they have good reasons to be hyped about the U turn that their lives made thanks to the amazon associates program.

And maybe that is why many people think that, really, an amazon affiliate business is too good to be true. What those people don’t realize is that building an amazon empire the right way can be a monumental task at first, especially if you are not tech savvy.

But it pays off very well in the end, and in this chapter we are going to show the elements that have allowed many people to leave their day jobs by building successful amazon affiliate businesses! 

Always Be On The Lookout For New Niches

The best way to make a living as an amazon affiliate is by building several affiliate websites,
each one dedicated to a high converting niche. Those people making millions in amazon
affiliate revenue are not killing it with just one website, they have an army of affiliate websites and they are putting their hearts and souls into keeping them relevant! 

Collect Long Tail and Low Search Keywords At First

We are aware that we have already mentioned keywords a bit too much during this training, but quality keywords will be the backbone of your amazon affiliate businesses. Sometimes it will be easier to find your niche by finding keywords first, and sometimes you will find your keywords by deciding a niche first.

The truth is that even low-search keywords are important because they will help you to rank your amazon affiliate websites on top. Do your keyword research on Google and look for niche sites on the third, fourth and fifth pages of results and collect all the keywords that they are targeting. 

Write Lengthy Content On Your Sites

You will have to become used to writing helpful content. Remember that amazon doesn’t like sales pitches, they only want quality content linking to their products. Coincidentally, this is what will make it easier for you to write lengthy content. 

Why? Because lengthy content will allow you to set your imagination free and to cover everything there is to cover about a particular product or set of products. Content that goes as far as 7,500 words is also favored by Google, so take your time! 

Always select the best Hosting Services

You will be tempted to go cheap at the beginning, but there will come a time when you will have to shell out money on quality services. This includes your hosting services, because Google dislikes and even penalizes sites that are slow to load, which is bad for your affiliate business! 

Do Not Focus On Social Media Too Much

Having a social media presence is important for your business, but do not count on it to make your affiliate business better. Unless you can have a dedicated person taking care of your social media channels, being in charge of social media will eat up time that you can dedicate to your affiliate websites.

Work towards becoming an authority

Becoming an authority in your niche will give you an extra edge because your sites will be the go to sites for people looking for answers. Do your research on popular sites such as “yahoo” answers” and on forums and focus on creating content geared towards answering those questions. 

Chapter 13: Amazon Native Shopping Ads

We are pretty sure that you are stunned by how easy it is to transform something so simple as a product oriented website into a money making machine when you simply employ something like the amazon associates program. And we are also sure that some of the stuff
offered by the amazon affiliate platform has taken you by surprise, and we are not done yet! In this chapter you are going to learn what are the “Amazon native shopping ads”.

What are the amazon native shopping ads?

Amazon Native Shopping ads are ad units similar to those featured by other ad networks such as Google AdSense. These native shopping ads will generate the same kind of affiliate income that affiliates generate, and you will be able to use it on pages where no amazon affiliate links are featured.

You can easily find these native shopping ads by logging in to your amazon associates account. Once logged in go to the “product linking” tab and click on “native shopping ads”. Scroll down and use the “create ad unit” menu to display each native shopping ad type unit available.

Let’s start with “recommendation ads”. These types of native shopping ads will be displayed on product oriented pages to show specific product recommendations to your visitors. The recommendations shown by these ads will depend on what is being promoted on your pages and your visitors’ purchasing habits.

To create a “recommendation ad” enter a name for your ad, then choose between two ad formats: “grid” or “list”. Now choose which categories to showcase with your ads and then enter a fallback keyword in case no product matches are found. Remember to always click on “save and view ad code” when you finish editing your “recommendation ads”.

Now let’s select “search ads” from the “create ad unit” menu. These types of ads will show products to your visitors according to the type of products that they search for in the amazon marketplace. Here you’ll have to pick an ad format, to specify a category and to enter a default search term. Copy the “ad code generated” and paste it into your site’s code.

Now let’s check “custom ads”. Custom ads are similar to product page links because you are the one that selects which products to show on these ads, and they work great for product oriented pages promoting products that don’t necessarily lead to an affiliate link from anywhere on the page.

These ads are easy to set up, simply select your preferred ad format, select a category, and then select a minimum of 4 products to show on the ads. 

You can preview each ad to get an idea of how they will look on desktop or mobile devices.
“Customs ads” will also allow you to directly copy the “ad code” from the ad editor page, so you just have to insert it later into your amazon affiliate website! 

Chapter 14: Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook

At one point or another you will realize that you will start using social media to promote
your amazon affiliate, whether by using the social media icons in the “amazon associates
site strip” or by creating your own social media page.

And because of that the amazon affiliate program has included a feature that will allow you to easily promote a lot of products right from your amazon affiliate social media profiles with the use of “aStores”.

Amazon “aStores” will allow you to feature amazon affiliate links into your Facebook page in the form of a simple online store and they are really easy to integrate. In this chapter we are going to show you how to do it with a few clicks of your mouse! 

Getting started

Log in to Facebook and type on the address bar. Now click on the “Add static HTML to a page” button. Click on the “Facebook pages” drop down menu to select the Facebook page where you will embed your “aStore”, then click on the “add page tab” button.

After this step is completed you will be redirected to a new set up page, from where you will integrate your amazon “aStore”. Click on “set up tab” to get started by deleting the text in the index.html” field.

Creating the aStore

Now go to your amazon associates account. In the “product linking” tab click on “aStore” and then on “build an aStore now” in the following screen to create and personalize your new aStore.

Start personalizing your aStore by selecting categories to display products from the amazon
inventory. Click on “add category page”, and in the “enter title” field enter the name of your category as you want it to appear on your aStore.

You can add products to this category either by adding individual products or by adding products per category, which is the option that we recommend. Click on “continue” when you finish setting up this step.

Now you have to customize the presentation of your page. Here you can select your aStore’s “theme”, “page background color”, “headers”, “content background color”, “body text” and “linkcolor”.

Here you can also name your “aStore” and configure the aStore header to show your aStore’s name or some other text. Click on “continue” when you are done customizing your aStore’s presentation.

In the next section you will have to select your aStore’s sidebar placement and widgets. You can place your sidebar at the right side or the left side of your aStore. You can also select which widgets to show on which pages. The selection here will mostly depend on your discretion, so let’s click on “finish and get store link”.

In this final step you will be presented with three embedding options: “simple link to my store as a standalone site”, “embed my store using an inline frame” and “embed my store using a frameset”.

Because you are going to embed your aStore on a Facebook page, select the “embed my store using an inline frame” and copy the code that has been generated.


Embedding Your aStore

Go back to the Facebook tab control panel and paste the code in the “index.html” field. Now, you will see a warning message, which only means that you have to optimize this code for Facebook. To do so simply apply the following modifications to the code:

Add an “s” to “http” to make it “https”, which is used by browsers to run security checks.

Change the “width” value to “815px” and the “height” value to “1200px

Change the “scrolling” value to “yes

Once you make these modifications scroll up and click on “save and publish”.

Go back to your Facebook page and click on the “welcome” tab. As you can see, your aStore is now integrated into your Facebook page.
You can edit the name of this tab from “welcome” to something appropriate for your aStore by going to “settings”, clicking on the “edit page” tab. Scroll down to the “tabs” section and click on the “settings” button on the welcome” tab, then on “edit settings” to change the tab name to something that better resembles your aStore, save, click “ok” and “save” again. Now your aStore is all set!

Chapter 15: Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Consider

Ok, so far the basics combined with our powerful recipes are working wonders on your affiliate sites, and you never foresaw how fast you would be able to make money using a passive source of income built on an online platform.

And that is what gets most people off guard, because they start their amazon affiliate businesses as a mere hobby, maybe an opportunity, until they find themselves leaving their day jobs in order to pay full attention to their amazon affiliate sites.

But these same people commit the fatal mistake of leaving their amazon affiliate businesses on autopilot, ignoring the fact that they can do much, much more if they only put the effort into applying some additional strategies to make their passive income grow.

So allow us to give a close to this chapter by revealing to you the strategies that will allow you to go above and beyond your current amazon affiliate efforts! 

Create a lifestyle section on your affiliate site

One of the easiest ways to become an influencer and an authority is by starting a lifestyle blog section in your affiliate site. Doing this will allow you to write about your niche in a way that goes beyond descriptions and marketing.

A lifestyle blog is a place where you discuss lifestyles centered around the niche that you promote on your niche affiliate site. Use your lifestyle blog to allow your visitors to
foster conversation between you and your audience, which will increase the number of visits to your affiliate site as well as your ranking! 

Include a sign up form for your affiliate site

It would be wise to have a subscription form in your affiliate website because it will allow you to keep your subscribers up to date on the new stuff that you will be publishing on your site. This can help you to reconvert people that might be too busy to visit your site on a daily basis, for example. 

Create lead magnets focused on your niche

A niche focused lead magnet such as an eBook featuring the most popular stuff on your site will not only help you to capture subscribers for your affiliate site, but it can help you to
add a collection of links to your product pages right into your eBook content. Just remember that you can’t use direct affiliate links on eBooks!

Listen to your visitors

The comments section of your affiliate site can be a great source of information about what types of products people care about and also about the types of products that people are actively buying. Pay special attention to recommendations among customers in the comments section.

Pay attention to the reactions of other people to recommendations and then apply what you learned about people’s preferences and get ready to start creating awesome affiliate content about it! 

Keep people updated on daily amazon deals

Having a “deals” section on your amazon affiliate pages can sound impractical at first because you already know that the “deals” section on the amazon marketplace shows deals and cool finds from every category at random.

But it is a good idea to have a separate “Today’s deals” tab on your affiliate site because it is casual, and people will love taking a look there just for curiosity’s sake before leaving your site, which can easily lead to an impulse purchase.

And that’s it! Implement these simple strategies and keep yourself on top of the amazon affiliate game! And thanks for watching our training, we are sure that it can easily help you to transform your life!


Congratulations for taking the time to learn How to Stop Chasing Tiny Affiliate Commissions, Making 6 Figures with Amazon, The Easy Way!! 

To Your Success