How To Earn Passive Income From Amazon Affiliate - Revealing The Top Secrets - Part 2



Chapter 6: Creating an Amazon Affiliate Website
Chapter 7: Creating Product Oriented Content
Chapter 8: Creating Your Amazon Associates Account 
Chapter 9: Linking your Amazon Affiliate Links
Chapter 10: Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website – Part 1
Chapter 11: Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 2

Please Click Here To Read Chapter 1 To Chapter 5

About This Ebook

“Amazon Affiliate Profits” is an exceptional Ebook that is present for you online. Learn the tricks for making MONEY online effortlessly. The MONEY that you will earn will give you the financial freedom. You don’t need a degree or any previous experience like in other jobs. A different way of earning DOLLAR. This Ebook will help you to learn affiliate advertising strategies to accomplish success and make passive INCOME. This book is 100% FREE  DOWNLOADING. Put a little time and effort, you can’t miss the chance to build your empire!!!


Here's What You'll Learn Inside!

What's all about? 7 Important Elements to consider that you didn’t know about Amazon before.

How do you make money with Amazon as an affiliate? What is an amazon affiliate? How do you become an amazon affiliate? How do you make money with amazon as an affiliate?

Why Amazon Affiliate Marketing is your best choice? The Top 4 reasons why amazon affiliate marketing is the best choice for you!

Picking a Hot Amazon Niche. 3 Proven strategies for finding out the type of niche products that are going to make you the most money as an affiliate!

Selecting some Hot Products to Promote. Here we are going to show you, step by step, the strategy behind selecting the hottest products in your niche!

Creating an Amazon Affiliate Website. Here we will start tinkering with the technical aspects of getting your amazon affiliate business up and running, with just a few clicks.

Creating Product Oriented Content. 4 easy to apply strategies for creating awesome product oriented content for your affiliate sites.

Creating Your Amazon Associates Account. Step By Step walkthrough for creating Your Amazon
Associates Account, without failing in the process.

Linking your Amazon Affiliate Links. How to funnel people from your content all the way through the amazon marketplace.

Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 1. The most successful methods to promote your amazon affiliate websites.

Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 2. 6 online tools that can help you to promote your amazon affiliate website without having to worry about going over budget!

Building an Amazon Affiliate Empire the Right Way. 6 elements that have allowed many people to leave their day jobs by building successful amazon affiliate businesses!
Amazon Native Shopping Ads. Amazon Native Shopping Ads Step By Step Crash Course.

Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook. Step By Step guide for Embedding an Amazon aStore into Facebook without spending hours doing so.

Other Amazon Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Consider. 5 additional strategies that will allow you to go above and beyond your current amazon affiliate efforts!

And much, MUCH more!
To Your Success,


Chapter 6: Creating an Amazon Affiliate Website 

So you have made up your mind about how awesome it is to become an amazon affiliate, and have decided to take your first steps into becoming the best amazon affiliate that you can by following up the advice revealed in our previous chapters. In this respect, you started looking for a nice niche that you would enjoy promoting and started navigating the amazon marketplace up and down in order to find the best and most profitable products that amazon can offer to its affiliates. But now the time has come to start tinkering with the technical aspects of getting your amazon affiliate business up and running, and we are talking about creating your amazon affiliate website with a few clicks.
Many people would be tempted to leave this job to someone else, but in this chapter we are going to show you how easy it really is to set up an amazon affiliate website on your own, using popular, easy to use and budget friendly online tools.

What are the benefits of creating an amazon affiliate website?

Amazon affiliate websites are a cost effective and easy to set up method of monetizing online content.
Amazon affiliate websites offer a very straightforward way of making affiliate marketing
money, unlike traditional affiliate marketing schemes that force you to use intrusive advertising that you will have to cover with your own money.

Referrals from your website to will make you money from any purchase they
Using the amazon brand name is a great way to monetize the content on your site because it will help you to reach people that are already looking for help making purchases in the amazon marketplace.

What do you need to create an amazon affiliate website?

Creating an amazon affiliate website from scratch is a very easy process when you know how to do it. Many people have to sort that out on their own, but in this chapter we are going to show step by step how to do it and where to find everything that you need in one place.

Domain Name

A “domain name” is simply a string of characters that websites use as their website addresses that you type into your web browser to access. Ideally, your domain name has to resemble your niche, and using keywords related to it to create your domain name will help your amazon affiliate website rank on top of search engine query results.
To get your domain name you have to buy it from a domain vendor. We recommend you to use “” because you will be able to also buy everything else that you need to create your amazon affiliate website from there. Start by going to the “domains” tab and type your domain name in the “choose your new web address” bar and click on “search” to check its availability. Once you find a good domain name available add it to your cart to buy it before someone else does!


Awesome, now that you have a great domain name, you need hosting for your website. Hosting service is space on an internet server to upload your website and make it available to visitors from around the world. You can buy excellent hosting service from “”  Go to the “web hosting” tab, where you will find three different hosting plans available: “hatchling plan”, “baby plan” and “business plan”. We recommend you to select the “baby plan.” This one will give you more for your amazon affiliate business because it will allow you to use it for unlimited domains, to use one click installs and
unmetered bandwidth. Click on “sign up now” to check out and get ready to start building your amazon affiliate website in the following step.

Website Builder

You will need a website builder in order to create your amazon affiliate website the fastest way. Luckily, hostgator provides a nice selection of website builders for you to choose from. Simply login to your hostgator “cpanel” after you buy your hosting plan to install your website builder. WordPress is our website builder of choice, as well as the choice of a million other amazon affiliates, because it is very easy to use and allows for simple yet powerful customization for your amazon affiliate websites. You can easily install WordPress on your amazon affiliate website from your “hostgator” “cpanel” by clicking on “WordPress 1-click installation”. Once you do, you will be asked to enter your site’s set up information.
First you have to select a domain from your domain list in the “select domain for installation” menu and then enter the name of your site’s directory in the field next to the domain menu and click on “next”.

Now you have to enter your admin info. Start by entering the name of your site in “blog title”, then your admin user name in “admin user”, which is the username that you will use to login to your WordPress site as the administrator. Now enter your “first name” and your “last name”. Lastly, enter your “admin email”, which will be the main email address that you will use to manage your amazon affiliate site. Once you enter all your information check the “terms of service agreement” box and click on “install”. A progress bar at the top of the screen will let you know the progress of your WordPress installation.

The “installation complete” message will appear on top once WordPress is installed on your amazon affiliate site. Here you will also have the credentials to login to your WordPress account, from where you will be able to manage your new amazon affiliate website. Copy and save your “username” and your “password”.

To login to your WordPress dashboard simply add “/wp-login.phpat the end of your WordPress site URL in your web browser. Now enter your username, your password and click on log in” to login to your new WordPress dashboard for the first time.
You are now inside your WordPress dashboard, and it is time to start setting up your site so you can later stuff it with awesome amazon affiliate product oriented content. Your amazon affiliate website is barebones the first time that you install WordPress, so the first thing that you have to do is find a nice affiliate oriented theme for your site.

You can do this by going to the “appearance” tab and selecting “themes”. You can look for free affiliate oriented themes by clicking on “add new theme”. You can use the “search themes” search bar to find themes for affiliates, and we recommend to get started by installing a free theme such as the “reviewgine affiliate” theme, which is a widely used free theme used by many successful affiliates.

Simply hover over it and click on “install”, and then on “activate”. Now your site has been installed a nice affiliate theme that you can edit by using the “customize” button. Here you can see how cool the theme looks, making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for and then some more.

You can add pages for content categories by using the “pages” tab in your dashboard and clicking on “add new”. Here is where you will create pages to promote your affiliate content. You can enter the title of your promotional pages in the “enter title” field, and the description of the page in the text field below. You can use the “add media” button to insert images and links within the content of your pages. Use the “featured image” section to insert the image that you are going to use as the main image on your pages.

Once you are ready to publish a page to post product oriented content simply click on “publish”. Now to add content to these pages you have to use the “posts” tab on the left side menu. Click on “add new” and you will be taken to an editor with similar features on the “pages” editor.  You will have a “title” field to title your content posts, a text field to enter your written content, the “add media” button to insert images, videos and links within your product posts, a “format” box, a “categories” box to select a category for your posts and a “tags” box to insert tags to make it easier for people to locate your posts using keywords.
Use the “publish” button to publish content here as well!

This is how you will be adding content to populate your amazon affiliate website, and in our following chapter we are going to show you how to create amazing content that will help you boost up your amazon affiliate earnings.

Chapter 7: Creating Product Oriented Content

After you choose your niche, select some hot products to promote, create your amazon
affiliate website and sign up for the amazon associates program to create your amazon
associates account, the time comes to start doing the hardest part, the one that will
determine if you make it or if you break it as an amazon affiliate.

We are of course talking about the part where you finally start creating content for your amazon affiliate website, because content is what will attract buyers to your amazon affiliate websites. But why do we say that this is the hardest part?

We say so because creating content for affiliate sites is not easy for the most part, and that is exactly where most affiliate marketers fail, and because of that we are going to show you how to create amazing content for your amazon affiliate sites the easy way.

After all, creating awesome product oriented content for your affiliate sites comes down to following a series of easy to apply strategies, so let us grab you by the hand and guide you all the way through!

Building Product Oriented Pages

Product oriented pages are used in affiliate marketing sites to promote amazon affiliate offers, and the goal of these pages is to drive traffic to any given product page on amazon and foster sales, so in short these pages are designed to generate affiliate income on amazon affiliate websites.

Let’s check what a nice looking, product oriented money page looks like. The first thing that you will notice is that a product oriented page is full of product oriented content, including profitable keywords, product images that link to affiliate offers and long, evergreen product oriented written content.

We recommend you look at successful amazon affiliate sites that promote stuff related to your niche for inspiration. In our case, we are looking at “”, an amazon affiliate site that gets over 8 million unique visitors each month and that generates affiliate income in the millions.

The strategies that we are about to reveal next are being used by the most successful and most profitable amazon affiliate sites around, so pay good attention and start applying them as well.

Use Profitable Keywords

“Profitable keywords” are keywords that drive purchasing intent and that are used by people to search for information about products on any given niche when they are ready to make a purchase.

Note that these keywords are not merely used to find product information, they are used for research by people that like to make informed purchases.

See how profitable keywords are used in this affiliate site, as they are not targeting “gaming
headphone” but “best gaming headphone”, which is a long tail keyword used by people looking into buying the best gaming headphone available.

So what are they doing here? They are using these long tail keywords so people looking for the “best headphone” or the “best air conditioner” land on these pages. See how they combine “best” with “cheap” to target people looking for the best equipment on a budget.

To give you an example with our niche, we are not going to target “best home theater systems”, but “best 7.1 receivers”. To make sure that a keyword is profitable, go to the amazon homepage and type it in the search bar. If it is highlighted in the results, then it is indeed profitable!

Profitable keywords should also include brand names in some circumstances, and they have to be used on the title of your product oriented pages, throughout your content and on your tags.

Product Images

Product images will always drive engagement, period, and you have to use a wide variety of them into your product oriented pages in order to motivate people into buying the products that you are promoting.

Product images work because people mostly make purchasing decisions based on how attractive the products look on product pages. It is very important that the images that you feature on your product oriented pages link to their respective amazon product pages. Product images are best used at the top of your content.

Quality Written Content

Of course, your product pages would be nothing without cool and informative written content geared towards telling your visitors what your products are all about and why they should make a purchasing decision right when they finish reading, perhaps before!

In order to achieve this you have to go beyond reviewing the product or stating your opinion on the product, you have to answer the question that your visitors were trying to answer when they landed on your product page in the first place.

Start by describing what the product is, what its benefits are and why people should buy it. For example, if you target the “best” keyword for your product, explain why it is the best, and so on.

Ideally, you should have tried the product that you are writing about, but we know that this is not only difficult, but quite expensive! So a good starting point is to simply go to the product page on amazon. Once there, check the title and the product description to get information about the product.

Also check the “sponsored products related to this item” and the “customers who bought this item also bought” horizontal lists so you can casually stack the product that you are writing about against similar products. It can be useful to insert affiliate products for other items and increase revenue.

Lastly, check the “customer reviews”. Check the most relevant reviews on each scale, from 5 stars to 1 star to see what customers think about it, so you can use this information on a “pros” and “cons” section for your product page.

As a final piece of advice, try to make your written content from 2,000 to 2,500 words long in order to make it relevant on search engine results. Follow these simple strategies and you will be swimming in affiliate money sooner than you might expect!

Chapter 8: Creating Your Amazon Associates Account

Ok, so you did your job and created a cool amazon affiliate website, and now the time has come to fill it with products to promote. You are more ready than ever because we just showed you how to do it the right way. 

And to get your affiliate links you will need to become an amazon associate by creating an amazon associates account. You will only need your website information
at hand and an account to get started.

Start by going to the amazon homepage, scroll down to the “make money with us” title and click on “become an affiliate”. Now click on “join now for free”.

Sign up using your email address and click on “sign up using our secure server”. The first set up step is to enter “your account information”. Here you will be asked to enter the “payee information” in order to receive funds made from your amazon affiliate website.

By default, the info here will appear as your own personal info, including your full name, your address and your phone number, but you can change it by clicking on “select different address” if you want someone besides you receiving the funds made on your associates account.

In the “who is the main contact for this account?” you can select “the payee listed above” or a different contact selecting “someone else”.

Now click on “next” to go to the “your websites and mobile apps” section. Here you have to enter at least one website or mobile app where to display your amazon affiliate links, and you can add up to fifty. So simply enter your site’s domain name in the “enter your website” field and click on “add”, then click “next”.

Websites or apps that are directed primarily to children under the age of 13 are not eligible to display amazon affiliate links, so check the “no” box here and click on “confirm” to continue. In the “profile” section you will create a profile for your affiliate websites. In the “associates store ID” enter a simple name that you can remember, as this will be your amazon associate ID. Now enter brief description of your affiliate website in the “what are your websites or mobile apps about? field.

In the “which of the following topics best describes your websites or mobile apps?” display boxes, select a primary and a secondary category. In the “what type of amazon items do you intend to list on your websites or mobile apps” part, check all the possible product types that you plan to promote on your site.

In the “what type are your websites or mobile apps?” display boxes select “content or niche website” as your primary category and a secondary category of your own choice. Let’s now move to the “traffic and monetization” section. In the “how do you drive traffic to your websites?” section, check all the options that best describe your traffic sources.

In the How do you utilize your websites and apps to generate income?” boxes select what other types of monetization strategies are integrated into your amazon affiliate websites, such as “display advertising”. Select “amazon associates is the only way I monetize my site” if you only use the amazon associates program to monetize your site.

Fill the information required in the “How do you usually build links?”, the “How many total unique visitors do your websites and apps get per month?”, the “What is your primary reason for joining the Amazon Associates Program?” and the “How did you hear about us?” sections to finish here.

Now enter the security code provided and click on “next” to move to the next section. You’ll get a confirmation informing you that your identity verification has been completed. Check the box under “contract terms” to accept the operating agreement, then click on “finish”. 

Congratulations! You are now ready to start using associates central! 

Chapter 9: Linking your Amazon Affiliate Links

Ok, so you are all set up now: you picked up your niche, you selected a bunch of cool, high priced products to promote, you created your amazon affiliate website the easy way, and you already set up your amazon associates account.

 Now it is time for you to learn how to funnel people from your content all the way through the amazon marketplace to get them to make you affiliate money there by using the amazon affiliate links.

You see, you will not make money as an amazon affiliate only by sending your visitors from your affiliate to amazon, because amazon needs to know when a customer was sent from your site to the marketplace in order for it to pay you your corresponding commissions.

And to do so, amazon uses affiliate product links, which are product page URLs specially designed to track people clicking on the affiliate links on your site, so let’s show you how to get your affiliate links and how to use them on your site.

Using the “amazon associates sitestripe” to get your affiliate links

There is a really easy way to get your affiliate links without you ever having to leave the amazon marketplace. Simply look for any product on the amazon marketplace by navigating through categories or by using the search bar, all while logged into your account.

Click on the product to access the product page. Now look for the “amazon associates sitestripe” bar on top. You will be able to get your affiliate links from where it reads “get link”. You can get “text” link, “image” link, “text plus image” link and links to share on Facebook and twitter.

Click on “text” and you will get both a “short link” and a “full link” to insert on your site. Click on “image” and you will be able to get an image link. Here you can select whether to get a link to a small sized image, a medium sized image or a large sized image. You can preview the image link as it would look on your site.

Click on “text plus image” and you will get an affiliate link that will feature the full offer on your site, just like it would appear in the amazon marketplace, which is awesome. You can choose to open the link on a new tab and also to feature your affiliate link with or without a border. You can preview how the affiliate link looks on your site.

Lastly, you can click on the Facebook icon and click on “post to Facebook” to share your affiliate link on Facebook, and you can click on the twitter icon and click on “tweet” to share your affiliate offer on twitter.

Getting your affiliate links from your associates account

You can also get affiliate links by login into your amazon associates account and going to the “product linking” tab. There click on “product links”. Use the search bar to enter a keyword or ASIN number to locate products and click on “go”.

A list of products will appear below. Locate the one that you intend to promote and click on “get link”. You can simply copy the URL from the box or click on “build link” to customize your affiliate link to your liking.

Inserting Your Affiliate Links On Your Site

Inserting affiliate links into your content is really easy. You can start by inserting your affiliate links into your posts by clicking on “add media” and then on “insert from URL” to test this feature, but the appropriate way to do it is by stylizing your affiliate links.

You can insert your affiliate links on text within your content by clicking “add media”, selecting “insert from url”, entering your affiliate link text in the “link text” field and then on “insert into post”.

Image links and text links with images are also very easy to insert and will convert like crazy. Simply copy the image link url and paste it into your content by going to the “add media” button, then to the “insert from url” section, pasting the affiliate link in the url field and clicking on “insert into post”. We recommend you insert it in between paragraphs where it could be relevant.

And that is it! This is how you insert affiliate links to link to affiliate products that will make you tons of affiliate money!

Chapter 10: Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website – Part 1

Creating an amazon affiliate website is a magnificent first step towards the life that
you have always dreamt about, including sound financial stability and a job that doesn’t feel like a job anymore. 

And in order to make your amazon affiliate business pay for more than your bills, you
need to hone out your online marketing skills, because as you can see, the amazon
affiliate program is quite different than other online affiliate programs.

Because good products reviews are the pillar of a decent amazon affiliate website, you will have to go several steps further to have an advantage over your competition and make the most out of your affiliate offers, so in this chapter we are going to show you the most successful methods to promote your amazon affiliate websites.

Always link to your posts

One of the best ways to make the content on your amazon affiliate website relevant no matter how much time passes is to always put links between your content. You can do this by linking to other product pages using in text urls within your content.

Take for example this post about “the best wireless exercise earbuds” using an in text url that links to a different product page which also has affiliate links. This way it ensures that older posts continue to be relevant.

Create Lots of DIY content

“DIY” or “do it yourself” content is an amazing traffic magnet because everybody likes to start a good project, and the more tools that list for a “diy” project the better it will convert. Do it yourself ttutorials are amazing for bringing in traffic from search engine queries to your website.

Another benefit of DIY content is that it doesn’t look like marketing at all to your visitors, because it is there to guide them through a process that can be hard to tackle by themselves. Take this diy car wash project page, which casually inserts affiliate links to relevant products.

Fine tune your SEO skills

We already told you the importance of using long tail keywords on every piece of product oriented content within your website, but that might have been an understatement because using the appropriate keywords is what will allow you to reach the kind of people interested in the types of products that you promote on your amazon affiliate website.

To find which keywords are useful to use on your niche websites you can simply use Google. There is one thing that will allow you to learn which keywords or set of keywords will leave you with the highest profits.

And that is when your keywords are autocompleted in the search bar before you finish entering your search query. Apply these simple techniques on tour blogs and see how immediate the results can be! 

Chapter 11: Promoting your Amazon Affiliate Website - Part 2

In our latest chapter we showed you how to easily promote the most profitable content in
your amazon affiliate website by using a series of high converting yet easy to apply
methods that would not require you to shell out any money, and that would only require
you to put in a bit of technical effort. And in this chapter we are going to show you
a series of online tools that can help you to promote your amazon affiliate website without having to worry about going over budget!

The “RatingWidget” plugin

Although it is super amazing and very important to make your content rank on top of Google result pages, it can happen that sometimes your content can be lost among results if people are looking after something too specific, which will make them dismiss some results, including yours!

The “RatingWidget” plugin will help you to avoid this by allowing you to directly insert a star rating system into your WordPress posts, which will highlight your content among others on search engine results!

The “Sumo” Plugin

The “Sumo” plugin is a free lead capturing tool that will allow you to offer to your affiliate site visitors an easy way to sign up for a newsletter or email lists so you can use email marketing to promote your amazon affiliate website.

SumoMe has additional features besides easy newsletter sign ups such as a heatmap feature that will allow you to see where your visitors are clicking so you can study their behavior and prepare better marketing strategies!

The “Qeryz” plugin

“Qeryz” is a free plugin that will allow you to insert micro surveys on your amazon affiliate websites, which can help you to discover stuff about your visitors such as purchasing habits, demographics, time spent on the internet daily and perhaps even their income brackets!

The “Thank Me Later” plugin

Most of the time people make comments on a website and forget about it, but this is a plugin will allow you to send “thank you” emails to people after they leave a comment for the first time on your site, which is great because it increases engagement and repeating visitors!

The “DiggDigg” plugin

This plugin will allow you to insert social sharing buttons that will make it easier for your visitors to share your content on basically any of the social platforms that matter, which is great if you want others to socially promote your amazon affiliate website without you asking!

The “WPtouch” mobile plugin

Having a fully responsive website has become more important than ever, and it is quite surprising that even big platforms such as “Google AdSense” just recently introduced mobile ad units, which is leaving a lot of money out on the table for internet marketers.

The “WPtouch” mobile plugin is the answer to that. Just install it on your WordPress site and boom! You now have a fully responsive site to easily promote to your mobile traffic!